Fast Interactive Genomics Data Visualization in AltAnalyze
September 13, 2018
Assistant Professor
Division of Biomedical Informatics
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
September 13, 2018 at 1:00pm EST
Nathan Salomonis, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Dr. Salomonis and his group are on the cutting edge of developing new software and algorithms to identify complex functional relationships from whole transcriptome data. They have developed several open source analysis tools including AltAnalyze, LineageProfiler, GO-Elite, and NetPerspective. With the onslaught of new approaches to measure genomic states, including single-cell genomics and alternative splicing, accessible tools for data visualization and analysis are required by both bioinformaticians and non-computational biologists alike. In this webinar we will walk through various tools within the software AltAnalyze, pre-compiled for Mac and Windows, to visualize genomics datasets. In particular we will learn to apply approaches for hierarchical clustering, pathway visualization, dimensionality reduction and network analysis. The goal of this webinar is to have you immediately use these techniques to visualize and analyze your own data. Available software can be found at http://www.altanalyze.org. We recommend you download, extract and follow the instructions for downloading the species databases before the webinar. However, you are welcome to do this afterwards. For issues, contact: altanalyze@gmail.com.
Presentation -
The presentation, entitled, "Fast interactive genomics data visualization in AltAnalyze," is a new and unique presentation for the NAVBO webinar audience.
For some background information, you may want to reveiw this protocols paper:
and/or review these tutorials: