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Since 1994, the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) has provided a forum for vascular biologists who are either in the traditional basic science disciplines (structural/molecular biology, cell biology, physiology) or studying the pathogenesis and treatment of human disease in disciplines such as medicine, pathology, surgery. NAVBO's membership is a mixture of scientists with different backgrounds and thus inherently different viewpoints on the same scientific problems. This makes for lively discussions and mutual education at our meetings and workshops. NAVBO provides the opportunity to communicate with a diverse cross-section of colleagues enhancing this discovery process, which will facilitate rapid translation into practical remedies.

The research of NAVBO members covers the breadth of vascular biology. Many focus on development, regeneration, endothelial and smooth muscle cell biology, stem/progenitor cells, cell signaling, vascular remodeling in disease, bioengineering, vascular matrix biology, inflammation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, endothelial-leukocyte interactions, vessel calcification - plus much, much more.

The mission of NAVBO is to promote the study of vascular biology. The purpose of the society is to provide a forum whereby members disseminate and share knowledge related to the scientific field of vascular biology, to ensure the translation of knowledge from basic science to clinical practice. NAVBO supports and organizes meetings and workshops, and maintains this website linking the vascular biology community.


The name of the association shall be the NORTH AMERICAN VASCULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION (hereby referred to as NAVBO). NAVBO is a non-profit scientific organization with voluntary membership.

ARTICLE II - Purpose

The purpose of NAVBO shall be to promote, advance, and disseminate information and knowledge related to the scientific field of vascular biology and its interface with human medicine and pathology. These purposes shall be achieved primarily through the support of educational activities and scientific meetings.

ARTICLE III - Membership

Section 1. Eligibility. NAVBO shall consist of regular, trainee, corporate and honorary members. Membership in NAVBO shall be determined by criteria established by the Council, and in general, will be open to all scientists who share the stated purpose of NAVBO and who have demonstrated an interest in vascular biology. NAVBO does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, physical condition, or national origin. NAVBO membership is not restricted on the basis of geographic location.

All applications for membership must be submitted to the Council. A member is deemed to be in good standing if he/she is current with all dues and meets all standards, policies and procedures of the Organization. Any member with delinquent dues or who otherwise fails to meet NAVBO standards, policies, and procedures shall be duly notified in writing of such failure and may be dropped from membership if the failure is not corrected within a reasonable time period. Such decisions will be made by the Council. A member may resign at any time by written notification to the Council.

Section 2. Membership Categories.

(a) Regular Members. A regular member shall hold an advanced degree (M.S., M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent) or shall have experience in the field (e.g. research associates).

(b) Trainee Members. To be considered for trainee status, an applicant must be a candidate in good standing for a graduate degree, a resident, a postdoctoral fellow, or a fellow of an accredited organization. Applications from trainees shall be endorsed by a laboratory head, section chief, or department chair. Undergraduates and technicians with an interest or experience in vascular biology may also be nominated by a laboratory head, section chief, or department chair.

(c) Corporate Members. An association, corporation or institution desiring to support NAVBO may be invited to become a corporate member. Levels and dues within this category will be determined by NAVBO Council.

(d) Honorary Members. Membership may be conferred by the Council or by a Committee acting under charge of the Council. Honorary members do not have voting privileges nor are they obligated to pay dues.

Section 3. Rights and Privileges. All members in good standing shall have the right to sponsor abstracts and attend NAVBO meetings. Regular members of NAVBO shall have voting privileges.

Section 4. Dues. Annual dues for membership will be determined by NAVBO Council.

ARTICLE IV - Governance

The primary governing body of NAVBO shall be a Council, comprised of elected representatives from the membership. The Council shall establish the policies and procedures for NAVBO which will be specified in the by-laws. The President, Secretary/Treasurer and/or Executive Officer shall carry out the policies and procedures of the Organization, as directed by the Council.

Changes to the by-laws are subject to approval by the NAVBO membership. Voting by NAVBO membership may be conducted by mail or electronic ballot, and changes shall be approved if the following conditions are met: at least 30% of the NAVBO membership eligible to vote must vote and changes must be approved by a two- thirds majority.

ARTICLE V - Council

Section 1. Council. The Council shall consist of a President, President-Elect, immediate Past President, and 6 Councillors, all of whom are elected, voting members. The Chairs of Committees shall serve as nonvoting members. The Executive Officer shall be an ex-officio member with no voting rights.

Section 2. Duties. The duties of the Council are to carry out the by-laws of NAVBO. The Council shall meet no less than once a year at the direction of the President. The Council shall be a working group to promote NAVBO activities which may include: set the dates and location for NAVBO scientific meetings and invite other societies to join these meetings; establish liaisons and coordinate activities with other societies, such as the European Vascular Biology Society, the American Society of Investigative Pathology, the American Heart Association, and other organizations; consider for approval requests for membership and establish membership fees; review the annual operating budget and NAVBO finances; provide mechanisms for NAVBO elections; amend NAVBO by-laws as necessary; and consider other matters as deemed necessary by Council or NAVBO members.

Section 3. Officers.

(a) President. The President of NAVBO shall have overall responsibilities for NAVBO activities. The President shall preside over Council meetings and carry out other NAVBO activities as necessary. Initially, the President shall be elected by the membership and shall serve a one-year term. After the first year of NAVBO's existence, the President-Elect will serve as President, and this pattern will be followed in subsequent years.

(b) President-Elect. The President-Elect of NAVBO shall assist the President in NAVBO activities and shall serve in the absence of the President. The President-Elect shall be elected by the membership and shall serve a one-year term. The President-Elect will then progress to office of the President and serve a one-year term.

(c) The position of Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with concurrence of the majority of the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer will serve as an ad-hoc member of the Council and will have responsibility for the financial records of NAVBO, maintaining records of NAVBO's public activities, maintaining an archive of NAVBO and International Vascular Biology Meeting activities and providing assistance to the Council and committees in writing grants.

(d) Past-President. The Past-President shall serve as a voting member of Council in the capacity of Past- President for one year following expiration of the term of President in order to provide continuity to the organization.

(e) Councillors. Each Councillor shall be elected by the membership for a three-year term. Terms of different Councillors shall be staggered, so that one-third of the Council is elected each year. An initial term length will be established by the Councillors themselves after the first election.

(f) Executive Officer and Office. An Executive Officer may be hired by the Council to carry out the daily activities of NAVBO, as directed by NAVBO Council. The Executive Officer will work with the Secretary/Treasurer on membership and dues. The Executive Officer shall coordinate scientific meetings with the Program Committee and Chair and shall facilitate publication of NAVBO newsletters and/or other materials. A central office may be established by the Council to carry out day to day activities of the Organization. The Executive Officer shall be a non-voting member of the Council.

Section 4. Elections. The President, President-Elect, and 6 Councillors will be elected members of the Council. The President and President-Elect shall serve one year terms while the Councillors shall serve three year terms. The President-Elect will normally succeed the President. Nominations for elected officers and Councillors shall be made by the Council and by write-in nominations from the NAVBO membership. Write-in nominations will be permitted where 5% of the NAVBO membership supports the nomination by signature. Elections will be held among the NAVBO membership, and a plurality of votes will determine election to a position. A hiatus of one year shall be required prior to re-election to the same office. In the case of the President, there must be a one year interval following the Past-President term prior to being eligible for nomination to the office of President. Nominations for Officers or Councillors who cannot fill the duration of their term will come from the Council. In the case where the President-Elect cannot serve as President, the Council will nominate candidates for President and President-Elect, and these offices will be subject to election by the NAVBO membership.

ARTICLE VI - Affiliation with Other Societies

NAVBO recognizes its relationship to other professional organizations sharing interests in specific aspects of vascular biology. At the determination of the Council, such organizations may be invited to co- sponsor NAVBO activities. Council members may be selected to serve as liaisons to other Societies to foster collegial interactions with these groups.

ARTICLE VII - Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees and Chairs. NAVBO will have the following standing committees: program, development, meritorius awards, and publications. Membership on the Committees and the Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the Council. Unless a Chair is an elected member of the Council, a Committee Chair will be a nonvoting member of the Council.

Section 2. Other Committees. The Council may establish Committees as needed.


NAVBO will be the entity responsible for the organization of the International Vascular Biology Meetings when held in North America, and will participate as invitee, in the sponsoring and coordinating of this meeting in other international venues. NAVBO will coordinate and maintain a directory of vascular meetings. Notification of these vascular meetings shall be mailed to all NAVBO members. Announcements shall also be made in scientific journals, budget allowing. Sponsorship of scientific meetings shall be one of the major activities of NAVBO.

ARTICLE IX - Newsletter

NAVBO shall publish a newsletter which will provide communication among members and all associated societies concerning scientific meetings, programs, and other NAVBO activities. This newsletter shall serve as a primary source of communication among all associated societies.

The North American Vascular Biology Organization presents five prestigious awards:

Earl P. Benditt Award in recognition to an individual who has made an outstanding discovery or developed a concept that has been seminal to our understanding of vascular biology or pathology.

Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology is a mid-career award, in recognition of the breadth of Dr. Folkman's interests and his many contributions to vascular biology, the award will not be limited to the field of angiogenesis per se, but will encompass the full range of original research in vascular biology. Awardee will have made a significant impact on the field through his/her original research accomplishments.

Stephen Schwartz Award for Outstanding Mentorship recognizes a mentor that has contributed significantly to the successful career of scientists who have trained in their lab; who has served as an exemplary mentor to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and contributed to fostering an environment which facilitates both professional and personal growth.  

Florence Sabin Award recognizes a unique individual who embodies the spirit of Dr. Florence Sabin (1871-1953) who broke scientific barriers with her research and contributions in the field of Vascular and Lymphatic Biology, as well as various social barriers. In addition to her contributions to science, Florence Sabin's later work as a public health administrator left a permanent imprint upon the communities in which she served. Sabin’s accomplishments include becoming the first woman faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and its first female full professor, the first woman to be elected President of the American Association of Anatomists, and the first woman elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. One of her most passionate causes was the advancement of equal rights for women in education, employment, and society in general. Sabin was known as a brilliant scientist, a trailblazer and role model for women in the medical profession and a steadfast believer in equal opportunities for women, a teacher, a colleague, and a friend. 

Springer Junior Investigator Award recognizes a junior faculty member who has submitted outstanding work for presentation at a NAVBO meeting. The 2021 recipient will be chosen based on applications received with submitted abstracts.  The award is supported and sponsored by Angiogenesis published by Springer Nature.

NAVBO is Affiliated with several journals in order to bring members additional benefits

Angiogenesis* is available to NAVBO members for the discounted rate of $70!

Simply use the online renewal form here to add a subscription.

Angiogenesis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of top quality original articles and reviews on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate angiogenesis in physiological and pathological conditions. As a central source for rapid communications representing the full spectrum of angiogenesis research, this multidisciplinary journal publishes innovative experimental studies using molecular, in vitro, animal model systems and clinical investigations of angiogenic diseases. Angiogenesis also reports on novel therapeutic approaches for promoting or inhibiting angiogenesis as well as new markers and techniques for disease diagnosis and prognosis.

See a sample Table of Contents

Find out more about Angiogenesis - visit the web site:

*online version only 

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine – Atherosclerosis and Vascular Medicine – disseminates your work to the widest audience, increases your visibility and the impact of your work.

Frontiers is a leading open-access publisher. Established in 2007, Frontiers drives innovations in peer review, impact metrics, and an ecosystem of open-science tools. The section Atherosclerosis and Vascular Medicine in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine is a multidisciplinary research forum, covering the full spectrum from fundamental basic science to translational research, clinical trials, and patient care. The section strongly encourages papers that emphasize the importance of clinical relevance in basic science research. We are particularly enthusiastic about studies involving innovative ideas and cutting-edge technologies. We also pay close attention to data integrity and reproducibility. Disease contexts and research areas covered include atherosclerosis, stenosis after mechanical intervention, vein graft disease, aneurysms, calcification, heart valve disease, complications of diabetes and chronic kidney disease, inflammation, thrombosis, dyslipidemia, development, angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, extracellular vesicles, non-coding RNA, -omics research, and drug discovery.

Find out more about Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine – Visit the website:

NAVBO members can order a subscription to Cardiovascular Pathology for $122* a year

A Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Cardiovascular Science

Cardiovascular Pathology is a bimonthly journal that presents articles on topics covering the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease. The Journal's primary objective is to publish papers on disease-oriented morphology and pathogenesis from clinicians and scientists in the cardiovascular field. Subjects covered include cardiovascular biology,prosthetic devices, molecular biology and experimental models of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular Pathology also publishes timely and informative reviews on scientific areas in cardiovascular pathology as well as case reports that represent significant or unique observations.

Find out more about Cardiovascular Pathology - visit their web site:

*cost is higher for those outside the US


Kari Alitalo, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Professor
Molecular/Cancer Biology Lab
Biomedicum Inst/Univ Helsinki

Laura E Benjamin, PhD
New York, NY 10014 United States 

Bradford C. Berk, M.D., Ph.D.
Senior VP for Health Sciences
University of Rochester Medical Center

David Cheresh, PhD
Professor of Pathology
Univ of California, San Diego
Moores Cancer Center

Paul DiCorleto, Ph.D.
Lerner Research Institute
Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Harold Dvorak, MD
Mallinckrodt Distinguished Prof
Department of Pathology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 

Napoleone Ferrara, M.D.
Distinguished Professor
Department of Pathology
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093

Mary Gerritsen, Ph.D.
Principal, Gerritsen Consulting
San Mateo, CA

Michael A. Gimbrone Jr., MD
Elsie T. Friedman Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director, Center for Excellence in Vascular Biology
Brigham & Women's Hospital

Mark H. Ginsberg, M.D.
Professor, Dept. of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093

Jordan S. Pober, M.D., Ph.D.
Dept of Immunobiology
Yale Univ Sch of Med

Janet Rossant, Ph.D.
Chief of Research, Senior Scientist
Dept of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Hospital for Sick Children

J. Anthony Ware, M.D.
Vice President LRL Vice Pres - Diabetes, Cardio and Acute Care
Eli Lilly and Company

Josiah Wilcox, Ph.D.
VP and Resident Scholar
Science & Technology
Medtronic CardioVascular

Samuel D. Wright, Ph.D.
Global Strategic Director
CSL Limited


Representatives are members who have agreed to act as ambassadors for NAVBO at their home institutions. If you need information about NAVBO or upcoming NAVBO programs, feel free to contact them or the NAVBO office (



Janos G. Filep, M.D.
Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital,
University of Montreal, PQ

Michelle P. Bendeck, Ph.D.
Unversity of Toronto,
Toronto, ON

Gediminas Cepinskas, D.V.M./Ph.D.
Lawson Health Research Institute
London, ON

Xi-Long Zheng, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB

Maria Febbraio, Ph.D., FAHA
University of Alberta, AB


Ralf H. Adams, PhD
Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster

Hellmut G. Augustin, Ph.D., DVM
University of Heidelberg and German Cancer Research Center



Christiana Ruhrberg, Ph.D.
University College London

Anna M. Randi, M.D., Ph.D.
Imperial College London


Joyce Bischoff, Ph.D.
Children's Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School 
Boston, MA

David Milstone, M.D., Ph.D.
Brigham & Women's Hospital 
Boston, MA

Richared Pierce, M.D.
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Harold A.Singer, Ph.D.
Albany Medical College
Albany, NY

Kristopher Maier, Ph.D.
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY

Angela J. Glading, Ph.D.
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

Beth L. Roman, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA

Alisa Morss Clyne, Ph.D.
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA

Mark L. Kahn, M.D.
Univ of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

Gary K. Owens, Ph.D. 
University of Virginia Health System

William R. Huckle, M.S., Ph.D.
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA

David A. Tulis, Ph.D.
FAHA, East Carolina University
Greenville, NC

Luke P. Brewster, M.D., Ph.D.
Emory Clinic
Decatur, GA

Lianchun Wang, MD
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

Walter Murfee, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL

Brenda J. Lilly, Ph.D.
Nationwide Children's Research Institute
Columbus, OH

Anand Ramamurthi, Ph.D.
The Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

Elisa Boscolo, Ph.D.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Cincinnati, OH

Tsutomu Kume, Ph.D.
Northwestern University School of Medicine
Chicago, IL

Bo Liu, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin Medical School
Madison, WI

Diane Darland, Ph.D.
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND

Courtney Griffin, Ph.D. 
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 
Oklahoma City, OK

Ondine B. Cleaver, Ph.D.
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX

Kayla Bayless, Ph.D.
Texas A&M Health Science Center
College Station, TX

Rebecca Stockton, Ph.D.
University of California
San Diego, CA

Kristina I. Bostrom, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California
Los Angeles, CA

Rama Natarajan, Ph.D.
Beckman Res Institute of City of Hope
Duarte, CA

Christopher C. Hughes, Ph.D.
University of California
Irvine, CA

Rong Wang, Ph.D.
University of California
San Francisco, CA

Mei Y. Speer, Ph.D.
Univerity of Washington
Seattle, WA


As they appear in the NAVBO Newsletters



I hope all of you have been safe and healthy in these challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We also have faced violent hate crimes associated with the consequences of racism in the past year.  In addition to racial injustice against the Black community, we were recently saddened by the violence against the Asian-American community, particularly Asian women.  In this difficult time, I wanted to assure you that NAVBO strongly supports our members who belong to the Black, Asian, LGBTQ, or any  underrepresented groups.  There is absolutely no room for racial injustice, sexism, or any types of disparities in this organization. 

NAVBO has long embraced and promoted diversity, which is our strong tradition.  I was welcomed by this community and became the first Asian president last year.  So many talented women have played leadership roles and presented their science at our meetings.  But after we asked ourselves what we can do to further strive for diversity, we launched the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.  Ten enthusiastic members with various ethnic and cultural backgrounds joined the committee and are actively working on several projects.  At Vascular Biology 2020, the committee hosted roundtables to discuss racial injustice, women’s career development, major challenges international-trained scientists face, and how to support young scientists during the pandemic.  These events were very popular, and many members preregistered.  We thus had to expand the capacity of each virtual room to accommodate all.  During the discussions, some unanticipated diversity-related issues were raised by the audience, which can help the committee tackle new tasks.  The DEI Committee will soon launch bimonthly online programming including webinars and roundtables.  

There is another major challenge within our communities.  As news value decreases after each incident, media focus naturally fades.  Our attention thus shifts, particularly if you are not directly affected by a hate crime or do not belong to any minority group.  As our minds have had to adjust with the rapidly-evolving and devastating situation of the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed over 2.7 million people worldwide, our hearts may go numb while hate crimes keep happening.  We should not forget fundamental problems our communities face.  Let’s continue discussing these critical issues, learning from history, and educating each other.  I hope the DEI Committee’s activities will help us work together to protect our core values and to further support our colleagues from any underrepresented groups and women.  Our ultimate goal is to establish safe and compassionate environments where we can focus on our important mission: science.  

The past year has been extremely tough on all of us, particularly those who became ill, who lost loved one, or who had to take care of children at home.  But if you look on the bright side, this pandemic has forced us to become more innovative.  Vascular Biology 2020 went virtual and was our first major virtual meeting.  Thanks to heroic efforts of organizers and staff members, the meeting was very innovative and successful.  We ran over 60 sessions smoothly and had a record-breaking number of participants.  We are also expanding our virtual events, which are organized by our newly launched Online Program Committee, which consists of talented junior investigators.  The committee has already been very active organizing Focus Sessions and programming symposia.      

Good news is we finally see some light at the end of this tunnel of the pandemic.  Let’s not lower our guard yet for some more months.  I hope to see all of you in person in the very near future.  Please stay safe and healthy until then!







2020 has been an exceptionally challenging year.  After having caused enormous damage、 the COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of disappearing.  What were the major obstacles to acting in a timely fashion to prevent this devastating health threat from spreading?  One appears to be that the initial responses of many governments did not reflect scientific predictions that immediate aggressive measures might save many lives.  The United States is now also facing the need to address the complex issues associated with the consequences of racism.  It is necessary that we, as a scientific community, think about what we can do to help deal with these dual disasters.  While we are not immune to the negative consequences of these challenges, they do provide opportunities for us to think about our roles.  

Our voices matter
COVID-19 has taken many lives and led to enormous economic consequences.  Fighting against a pandemic can be thought of as waging a war against an enemy where the whole globe is the battlefield.  As is true in all wars, information plays an essential role in winning battles.  Scientific evidence is the key weapon against pandemics.  On many occasions, however, political leadership ignores or rejects scientific information.  We as scientists must work hard to have our voices heard about knowledge.  This is our responsibility, in addition to conducting and reporting good science.  

Social issues such as racism may not directly hurt all of us.  After each incident, media focus fades, public attention shifts, and lawmakers fail to act.  As a science community, we have the obligation to continue sending messages to maintain public pressure for action.  We recently issued a strong message on our website and via social media to state our condemnation of racism and violence and our support for the Black community.  While we experience such a challenging time, let’s work together to protect our core values and express our opinions.

We must continue to strive for diversity 
While we as a group can send our signal related to any types of disparities to the rest of the world, we also can explore the opportunities within our organization to support minorities, women, internationally-trained scientists, and other diversity groups.  As the first Asian president, my focus is to enhance NAVBO’s mission to embrace and promote diversity by launching the Diversity Committee.  NAVBO has been very successful in this mission but there is more to be done.  Several enthusiastic members have agreed to join this effort.  We will develop innovative ideas to identify ways in which our community and our individual labs can lead the way in building equality and diversity into our scientific lives.

Let’s learn new technologies together
On the scientific front, the speed of technological development is increasing exponentially.  New technologies, such as AI, may help us identify more promising therapeutic targets and speed up translation of basic science into the clinic.  COVID-19 further accelerated technological development.  As many other sectors did, our research community shut down our operations and explored uncharted territories.  We have suffered with delays in research projects.  Many have struggled to assemble preexisting data and complete grant applications and important manuscripts.  I recognized, however, that these challenges forced us to become more independent thinkers and innovators.  As we all know, necessity is the mother of invention.  We have witnessed new technologies emerging in clinical medicine over the course of just a few months.  Telemedicine, for example, has been rapidly evolving in the hospitals.  Implementation of AI in clinical medicine was not so fast as compared to other sectors.  But, COVID-19 suddenly changed this landscape and pushed the development of AI-powered necessary technologies.  If you look on the bright side of this devastating situation, you will recognize various opportunities.  In our research community, many laboratories created new styles by working remotely and implemented more computational methods.  New prospects to work on the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and its cardiovascular complications also accelerated research innovation.  Now is a great time to learn innovative technologies together.  We will organize more webinars and sessions at our meetings on emerging approaches and methods so that we can further grow.

I have been a NAVBO member since 1994 when I was a PhD student.  After 26 years, I as President look forward to working with all of you to maintain and enhance NAVBO’s traditions and develop new ideas.



Dear NAVBO Community,

The spring of 2020 in the United States has brought us extraordinary challenges and, for some, unimaginable hardship. It has been a time like no other in many of our lifetimes. On top of a pandemic that has now killed over 110K Americans and forced us to quickly shutter our labs, racial injustice has once again reared its head. The unprecedented difficulty of these times has been further exacerbated by stark economic uncertainty and political upheaval. I want to take a moment to tell you that I, personally and the entirety of NAVBO are with you in this time, and we share your pain.

These last few weeks have witnessed the senseless and brutal deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Armaud Arbery, once again forcing the racism and intolerance that has long plagued our country into the light. As the news unfolded these last few weeks, we all sat watching in horror and disbelief, calling friends with concern, and trying to make sense of it all. These tragedies have brought the realities that the African American community faces every day into our collective consciousness. The fear of reaching for a wallet during a simple traffic stop, or the uncertainty of calling the police to one’s home or workplace for help. No American should live in fear. The very fact that a significant number of us do, means that we need to acknowledge it, and we need to change it. I am personally angered and saddened by all I have witnessed and learned. I am deeply distressed to realize how persistent and pervasive this problem continues to be. Like so many others, I had thought (or perhaps more accurately hoped) that systemic racism in our society was on the decline. But clearly it is not. We can no longer keep our heads buried in the sand or be complicit in the subjugation of an entire race. I am resolved to take concrete action to make sure this stops now. Our generation has the power to chart its own course and finally make needed, significant and long-lasting changes.

I joined NAVBO some 20 years ago as a trainee because I felt it was a welcoming and diverse society whose members were united by their common scientific interests and goals to better the human condition. That mission has been unwavering. NAVBO has always strived to support the science and scientists whose passion it is to understand vascular biology, regardless of color, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, or religious belief. I want to reaffirm to you this fundamental commitment. I want to tell every one of our members that the strength of NAVBO is YOU. It is rooted in our diversity, our openness and our determination to advance science.

However, we recognize that our efforts, as a nation and likely as a society, have been woefully inadequate and we must all take steps to address the lack of diversity in our community. With the goal of promoting and sustaining greater diversity in NAVBO and the scientific community, we have created a NAVBO Diversity committee, which will identify and outline next steps.

NAVBO remains a society that firmly believes in the worth of every individual. Equal treatment and representation are not only basic human rights, but also essential for the training and education of our society and further scientific advancement. NAVBO unequivocally stands with the Black community. Black lives DO matter. Racism and hate have no place in our society, in science, or anywhere. Please know this, and know that we are here to support you, and to learn constructive ways to combat all forms of injustice. We encourage all members of our organization to contact us to relay your

thoughts, ideas, anger, disappointment, etc. It is only through open public discourse and education that we can begin to make real change.

With you,

Ondine Cleaver

NAVBO President 2019-2020

November 30, 2017 - Cecilia Giachelli, President July 2017 - June 2018


Dear NAVBO Members,

As we approach the end of the year, I'd like to reach out to the NAVBO membership to briefly highlight events of the past year and let you know of exciting opportunities and initiatives in 2018.


Vascular Biology 2017 was very successful and most attendees were very happy with the new pairing of the Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop with the Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop.   The session proposed and organized by NAVBO member, Juan Melero-Martin, Bioengineering Organ-Specific Vasculatures, was well received as was the Vascular Therapeutics session co-organized by Weilan Ye with Past President Jan Kitajewski. In 2018, our member proposed sessions are Resolution of Inflammation (Ira Tabas and Jennifer Allport-Anderson) and Vascular Therapeutics (Zorina Galis and Christopher Vlahos).   We are looking forward to these sessions, as well as the workshops, and hope that NAVBO members will continue to propose outstanding and thought provoking topics. Look for details in a future newsletter concerning proposals for the 2019 meeting.


I want to remind you about some important meetings this year:


We will soon begin our search for the host of the 2019 Vasculata. If you are interested in organizing Vasculata at your institution, please see Proposals should be sent to the NAVBO office by February 20, 2018. The Education Committee will review the submissions and choose the organizers and venue.


And speaking of the Education Committee - they have been hard at work on several projects. You have probably seen the listing of training programs (; they are also working on an outreach program for high school students and a webinar series for NAVBO members. News about the webinars will be published in this newsletter soon.   If your training program is not listed, please send your information to Sharon ( and we will get it posted for you!


Finally, please support NAVBO by renewing your membership and urging your students and colleagues to join as well! In addition, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to NAVBO - With your help we can continue to grow the field of vascular biology, support trainees, and provide exciting meetings.


On behalf of the NAVBO Council, Happy Holidays, and we wish you a safe and productive 2018.

Cecilia Giachelli, Ph.D.

NAVBO President, July '17-June '18



Dear NAVBO Members,


Being a NAVBO member has been a wonderful experience for me.  I was drawn to the field of vascular biology after starting as an independent researcher in a different discipline.  During this transition, there were numerous forms of support that I received from NAVBO, and I experienced many positive interactions with NAVBO members.  I came to appreciate the rich scientific terrain in vascular biology research and was honored to join the effort. I can now add what an honor it is to begin my term as your President. Thank you for this opportunity to serve NAVBO. 

The lessons I continue to learn as a vascular biologist will guide my efforts in the upcoming year. My current priorities are emphasizing the strengths that come from interactions with scientific colleagues, the importance of including members from all career levels in our activities, and the need for healthy investment in the future of this exciting field.

I extend my gratitude to Joyce Bischoff, who just completed her term as NAVBO President. Thank you Joyce, for working so diligently and thoughtfully to steer NAVBO in a successful direction. Vascular Biology 2015 in Hyannis was a success, and we are well prepared for an exciting IVBM 2016. We had a great year due to your leadership. Thank you to our Past President, Karen Hirschi. After working hard as President in 2014-15, Karen selflessly drove new initiatives during her term as Past President. A huge thank you goes to Bernadette Englert. Her dedication and energy underlies everything we do as an organization.

NAVBO members know our research strengths are fortified by interactions with scientific colleagues. Your opportunity to interact with vascular biologists from around the globe is fast approaching. IVBM 2016 will take place in Boston from October 30 to November 3rd, and NAVBO is the host.  The agenda is set, our supporters are fully behind us, and our international guests are coming to join us. All that’s left is the most important ingredient for success: your participation.  We look forward to seeing you there and learning about your research.  IVBM 2016 is our opportunity to build alliances to advance the field.  We will meet our international partners, learn from biologists, hear about clinician problems, and seek to understand pharma’s role in developing vascular therapeutics. We encourage colleagues from various disciplines to joins us at our meetings. Please join that effort and encourage vascular biologists that you know and colleagues who may work in other areas to come to IVBM 2016. 

Think beyond IVBM 2016. Think about proposing a meeting session that highlights a new perspective, employs new technologies, brings together new partnerships. We’ve recently embarked on member-proposed sessions for our annual meeting and were gratified with the numerous and timely proposals we received. There is clearly a demand for member participation in session development. Think about hosting an academic-NAVBO partnered meeting, like the Chicago-based meeting “Lymphatic Forum 2017”, held from June 8th-10th. I propose we continue to build upon our relationship with researchers in the pharmaceutical sector through speaker invitations and special sessions at our meetings, such as Vascular Therapeutics. I encourage you to explore development of short meetings partnered between NAVBO and pharma and/or academic researchers.

NAVBO strives to include members at all career levels in our activities. We should always seek out ways to give opportunities to our trainees, who keep the lifeblood of our research flowing and deserve our assistance in promoting their careers. For our trainees: let us know how we can advocate for you, teach you, and help you define and advance your careers. As President, I will work with the Council to identify new ways that we may include trainees in NAVBO events and activities.

An important point for discussion by NAVBO members, and in which I encourage your participation, is to define the role of NAVBO in broader efforts to advance vascular research. We have begun to interact with the NIH, advising on the peer review process. We have partnered with patient advocacy groups to showcase science that strives to identify new treatments. Let’s reinvigorate the discussion on the future of our field. Should NAVBO continue to grow into undernourished areas of advocacy?  How do we best showcase the amazing work being done by vascular biologists?  We will start an online discussion and explore forums at meetings for discussion.

Through our interactions, our efforts for inclusion of trainees, and by identifying ways to position ourselves for the future, NAVBO will grow as an organization to best serve the vascular biology research community.




Dear NAVBO Members,

I am honored and excited to begin my year as President of NAVBO.  I want to start with several “thanks.”  First – a big thank you to all NAVBO members for your continued support and participation in our thriving society!  Second, thanks to Karen Hirschi as she finishes her year as President.  As President-Elect, I was able to see how passionately and effectively Karen works on behalf on NAVBO and I hope to continue the important initiatives she started as President.  I would also like to thank Klaus Ley, who served as Past President this year, for his wisdom and insight, which contributed tremendously to the growth and success of NAVBO.  My final and by no means least important thanks goes to Bernadette Englert!  Bernadette keeps NAVBO moving forward each and every day!

My theme for this incoming address will be “participation.”  I would like to see NAVBO members participate and fully engage in NAVBO on as many levels as they can manage.   Opportunities abound!

It is clear the backbone of NAVBO is its meetings/workshops, and over the last few years we’ve seen steady growth in attendance, active participation, and indeed other societies are eager to partner with us at our annual fall meeting.   This is a great trajectory and I would like to see it continue and even move up a notch or two.

What can you do, as a NAVBO member,  to contribute to our positive trajectory? 

Volunteer to be a poster judge or to read abstracts for the trainee travel awards.  Volunteer to serve on one of the NAVBO committees  – such as the Education, Membership or Communications Committees.  These committees directly and indirectly support our research meetings!  Get involved in the special sessions at the meetings/workshops that are centered on mentoring, publishing and biotech.

Suggest an emerging topic that should be covered in an upcoming meeting.  The NAVBO Council is open to such proposals and will begin actively recruiting ideas for such in 2017 and beyond.  Consider developing a stand-alone workshop in a focused or thematic area to be held at your institution in conjunction with NAVBO support. The prototype for this was the “Lymphatic Circulation in Health and Disease” held at Yale University in 2013.   Plans are underway for another lymphatics meeting in spring of 2017 to be held in Chicago – we are open to all topics in vascular biology and eager to hear your ideas. Please feel free to contact me, or anyone on the NAVBO Council, if you have ideas or questions about how the co-sponsorship of a mini-meeting would work.

Last but not least, we greatly appreciate your participation in the annual meeting.  Submit an abstract, send your trainees, tell your colleagues! The publicity you can provide by talking up NAVBO meetings is enormously beneficial.   On that note, hope to see you all in Hyannis for Vascular Biology 2015!  Also, be sure to mark your calendars for IVBM 2016 in Boston Oct 30 - Nov3.  The IVBM Organizing Committee is in the midst of developing the scientific program (see website:  The IVBM meeting hotel is right in the heart of “Back Bay” – the most centrally located and walk-able area of Boston.  Many consider autumn to be the quintessential time of year to visit Boston. The crisp autumn weather and beautiful foliage will be in full swing in late October/early November.   We estimate approximately 800 attendees based on past IVBM, but of course hope this will be the biggest and most exciting IVBM yet.  This is a huge event for NAVBO because it is the first time NAVBO is the full financial sponsor of IVBM.  I hope you will all plan to attend and spread the word to colleagues and collaborators! 

Best wishes to the entire NAVBO community for a successful and healthy 2015-2016 academic year!


Joyce Bischoff 



2013 is proving to be a very full and busy year for NAVBO. We have three meetings this year – Lymphatic Circulation in Health and Disease (co-sponsored with Yale), Vascular Biology 2013 and our summer course in beautiful San Diego – Vasculata is being organized by Klaus Ley at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology.

Vascular Biology 2013 will feature the Biology of Signaling in the Cardiovascular System and the Vascular Matrix Biology Workshops. And joining us for this exciting meeting will be the Microcirculatory Society (MCS). Their series of symposia will complement and enhance the workshops' programs. This integrative meeting will encourage a great deal of cross-disciplinary discussions and enhance the mutual education of all attendees. By the way, there are 70 presentations by invited speakers and we expect to add another 75 short talks from abstracts! We look forward to seeing you there, for more about the meeting and a look at the program, go to

The Lymphatic Circulation in Health and Disease meeting is a worthwhile experiment that we hope will form a model for future joint endeavors between NAVBO and other universities. This collaborative effort benefits NAVBO members and brings new opportunities to academic communities of vascular and cardiovascular biology. We hope you will attend this highly focused two-day meeting in New Haven –

Vasculata continues to grow in popularity; each year brings more attendees and more abstract presentations. If you are a trainee, consider attending. I urge all faculty to encourage your graduate students and brightest undergraduates to attend. By the way, the hands-on workshops are extremely popular and fill up quickly. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to accommodate all attendees – so register early and reserve your space in a workshop. Information about Vasculata is on our web site at

In addition to the meetings, we have this brand new newsletter, the NAVBO NewsBEAT, which I hope you will enjoy. Our goal is to keep our members informed not only of NAVBO meetings and opportunities but of newsworthy events in the scientific community that impact our work and our funding. Your feedback about the newsletter will be most helpful – feel free to contact Bill Huckle, our Editor, directly at

In closing, I would like to congratulate our Meritorious Awards recipients – Michael Klagsbrun (Harvard Medical School) has been named the 2013 Recipient of the Earl P. Benditt Award and Mark Kahn (University of Pennsylvania) is the 2013 recipient of the Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology. You'll read more about these awardees in our next issue.

Congratulations to Michael and Mark – I look forward to your presentations this October!



NAVBO has been busy this year! We had a great Vasculata this past summer that was co-organized by U. Kentucky, Vanderbilt and Meharry. Next year's Vasculata will be held in San Diego from July 29 – Aug 1, so please consider joining us and send along those trainees! Our Annual Meeting was held at Asilomar Conference Grounds in California in October, and featured the fifth Developmental Vascular Biology Workshop along with the second Genetics and Genomics of Vascular Disease Workshop. We enjoyed getting updated on the latest science and networking in a beautiful ocean setting. Pictures from the 2012 meeting are online - go to

Next year we meet again at Hyannis, Massachusetts (October 20-24) and will feature the Signaling and Matrix/Bioengineering Workshops. In addition, the Microcirculatory Society is holding their Fall Meeting in conjunction with our workshops, so mark your calendars now.

We are doing something new in 2013. NAVBO will co-sponsor a meeting on "Lymphatic Circulation in Health and Disease" with Yale University on May 3-4. This short meeting, to be held at Yale, contrasts with other NAVBO-supported activities in being a focused meeting in an emerging area that takes advantage of regional expertise. We hope to see you there!

Finally, I'd like to encourage you, as you tap into the goodwill of the holiday season, to consider making a personal donation (fully tax-deductible) to NAVBO. Many of us routinely donate to favorite charities, especially during this season, and I hope that you will put NAVBO on your "good list" and help support our ongoing work. And as always, with or without a monetary donation, we appreciate the time and effort that you put into NAVBO and welcome any ideas or suggestions. May the peace and beauty of the holidays enter the lives of you and your loved ones.

Dear NAVBO members,

            Being a NAVBO member has been a wonderful experience for me.  I was drawn to the field of vascular biology after starting as an independent researcher in a different discipline.  During this transition, there were numerous forms of support that I received from NAVBO, and I experienced many positive interactions with NAVBO members.  I came to appreciate the rich scientific terrain in vascular biology research and was honored to join the effort. I can now add what an honor it is to begin my term as your President. Thank you for this opportunity to serve NAVBO.

            The lessons I continue to learn as a vascular biologist will guide my efforts in the upcoming year. My current priorities are emphasizing the strengths that come from interactions with scientific colleagues, the importance of including members from all career levels in our activities, and the need for healthy investment in the future of this exciting field.

            I extend my gratitude to Joyce Bischoff, who just completed her term as NAVBO President. Thank you Joyce, for working so diligently and thoughtfully to steer NAVBO in a successful direction. Vascular Biology 2015 in Hyannis was a success, and we are well prepared for an exciting IVBM 2016. We had a great year due to your leadership. Thank you to our Past President, Karen Hirschi. After working hard as President in 2014-15, Karen selflessly drove new initiatives during her term as Past President. A huge thank you goes to Bernadette Englert. Her dedication and energy underlies everything we do as an organization.

            NAVBO members know our research strengths are fortified by interactions with scientific colleagues. Your opportunity to interact with vascular biologists from around the globe is fast approaching. IVBM 2016 will take place in Boston from October 30 to November 3rd, and NAVBO is the host.  The agenda is set, our supporters are fully behind us, and our international guests are coming to join us. All that’s left is the most important ingredient for success: your participation.  We look forward to seeing you there and learning about your research.  IVBM 2016 is our opportunity to build alliances to advance the field.  We will meet our international partners, learn from biologists, hear about clinician problems, and seek to understand pharma’s role in developing vascular therapeutics. We encourage colleagues from various disciplines to joins us at our meetings. Please join that effort and encourage vascular biologists that you know and colleagues who may work in other areas to come to IVBM 2016.

            Think beyond IVBM 2016. Think about proposing a meeting session that highlights a new perspective, employs new technologies, brings together new partnerships. We’ve recently embarked on member-proposed sessions for our annual meeting and were gratified with the numerous and timely proposals we received. There is clearly a demand for member participation in session development. Think about hosting an academic-NAVBO partnered meeting, like the Chicago-based meeting “Lymphatic Forum 2017”, held from June 8th-10th. I propose we continue to build upon our relationship with researchers in the pharmaceutical sector through speaker invitations and special sessions at our meetings, such as Vascular Therapeutics. I encourage you to explore development of short meetings partnered between NAVBO and pharma and/or academic researchers.

            NAVBO strives to include members at all career levels in our activities. We should always seek out ways to give opportunities to our trainees, who keep the lifeblood of our research flowing and deserve our assistance in promoting their careers. For our trainees: let us know how we can advocate for you, teach you, and help you define and advance your careers. As President, I will work with the Council to identify new ways that we may include trainees in NAVBO events and activities.

            An important point for discussion by NAVBO members, and in which I encourage your participation, is to define the role of NAVBO in broader efforts to advance vascular research. We have begun to interact with the NIH, advising on the peer review process. We have partnered with patient advocacy groups to showcase science that strives to identify new treatments. Let’s reinvigorate the discussion on the future of our field. Should NAVBO continue to grow into undernourished areas of advocacy?  How do we best showcase the amazing work being done by vascular biologists?  We will start an online discussion and explore forums at meetings for discussion.

            Through our interactions, our efforts for inclusion of trainees, and by identifying ways to position ourselves for the future, NAVBO will grow as an organization to best serve the vascular biology research community.

Growth opportunities are the bright side of these challenging times

Masanori Aikawa, MD, PhD

Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School

2020 has been an exceptionally challenging year.  After having caused enormous damage、 the COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of disappearing.  What were the major obstacles to acting in a timely fashion to prevent this devastating health threat from spreading?  One appears to be that the initial responses of many governments did not reflect scientific predictions that immediate aggressive measures might save many lives. The United States is now also facing the need to address the complex issues associated with the consequences of racism. It is necessary that we, as a scientific community, think about what we can do to help deal with these dual disasters.  While we are not immune to the negative consequences of these challenges, they do provide opportunities for us to think about our roles. 

Our voices matter

COVID-19 has taken many lives and led to enormous economic consequences.  Fighting against a pandemic can be thought of as waging a war against an enemy where the whole globe is the battlefield. As is true in all wars, information plays an essential role in winning battles.  Scientific evidence is the key weapon against pandemics.  On many occasions, however, political leadership ignores or rejects scientific information. We as scientists must work hard to have our voices heard about knowledge.  This is our responsibility, in addition to conducting and reporting good science. 

Social issues such as racism may not directly hurt all of us.  After each incident, media focus fades, public attention shifts, and lawmakers fail to act.  As a science community, we have the obligation to continue sending messages to maintain public pressure for action.  We recently issued a strong message on our website and via social media to state our condemnation of racism and violence and our support for the Black community.  While we experience such a challenging time, let’s work together to protect our core values and express our opinions.


We must continue to strive for diversity

While we as a group can send our signal related to any types of disparities to the rest of the world, we also can explore the opportunities within our organization to support minorities, women, internationally-trained scientists, and other diversity groups.  As the first Asian president, my focus is to enhance NAVBO’s mission to embrace and promote diversity by launching the Diversity Committee.  NAVBO has been very successful in this mission but there is more to be done.  Several enthusiastic members have agreed to join this effort.  We will develop innovative ideas to identify ways in which our community and our individual labs can lead the way in building equality and diversity into our scientific lives.

Let’s learn new technologies together

On the scientific front, the speed of technological development is increasing exponentially.  New technologies, such as AI, may help us identify more promising therapeutic targets and speed up translation of basic science into the clinic.  COVID-19 further accelerated technological development.  As many other sectors did, our research community shut down our operations and explored uncharted territories.  We have suffered with delays in research projects.  Many have struggled to assemble preexisting data and complete grant applications and important manuscripts.  I recognized, however, that these challenges forced us to become more independent thinkers and innovators.  As we all know, necessity is the mother of invention.  We have witnessed new technologies emerging in clinical medicine over the course of just a few months.  Telemedicine, for example, has been rapidly evolving in the hospitals.  Implementation of AI in clinical medicine was not so fast as compared to other sectors.  But, COVID-19 suddenly changed this landscape and pushed the development of AI-powered necessary technologies.  If you look on the bright side of this devastating situation, you will recognize various opportunities.  In our research community, many laboratories created new styles by working remotely and implemented more computational methods.  New prospects to work on the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and its cardiovascular complications also accelerated research innovation.  Now is a great time to learn innovative technologies together.  We will organize more webinars and sessions at our meetings on emerging approaches and methods so that we can further grow.

I have been a NAVBO member since 1994 when I was a PhD student.  After 26 years, I as President look forward to working with all of you to maintain and enhance NAVBO’s traditions and develop new ideas.


I hope all of you have been safe and healthy in these challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We also have faced violent hate crimes associated with the consequences of racism in the past year.  In addition to racial injustice against the Black community, we were recently saddened by the violence against the Asian-American community, particularly Asian women.  In this difficult time, I wanted to assure you that NAVBO strongly supports our members who belong to the Black, Asian, LGBTQ, or any under-represented group.  There is absolutely no room for racial injustice, sexism, or any types of disparities in this organization.

NAVBO has long embraced and promoted diversity, which is our strong tradition.  I was welcomed by this community and became the first Asian president last year.  So many talented women have played leadership roles and presented their science at our meetings.  But after we asked ourselves what we can do to further strive for diversity, we launched the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.  Ten enthusiastic members with various ethnic and cultural backgrounds joined the committee and are actively working on several projects.  At Vascular Biology 2020, the committee hosted roundtables to discuss racial injustice, women’s career development, major challenges international-trained scientists face, and how to support young scientists during the pandemic.  These events were very popular, and many members pre-registered.  We thus had to expand the capacity of each virtual room to accommodate all.  During the discussions, some unanticipated diversity-related issues were raised by the audience, which can help the committee tackle new tasks.  The DEI Committee will soon launch bimonthly online programming including webinars and roundtables. 

There is another major challenge within our communities.  As news value decreases after each incident, media focus naturally fades.  Our attention thus shifts, particularly if you are not directly affected by a hate crime or do not belong to any minority group.  As our minds have had to adjust with the rapidly-evolving and devastating situation of the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed over 2.7 million people worldwide, our hearts may go numb while hate crimes keep happening.  We should not forget fundamental problems our communities face.  Let’s continue discussing these critical issues, learning from history, and educating each other.  I hope the DEI Committee’s activities will help us work together to protect our core values and to further support our colleagues from any underrepresented groups and women.  Our ultimate goal is to establish safe and compassionate environments where we can focus on our important mission: science. 

The past year has been extremely tough on all of us, particularly those who became ill, who lost loved one, or who had to take care of children at home.  But if you look on the bright side, this pandemic has forced us to become more innovative.  Vascular Biology 2020 went virtual and was our first major virtual meeting.  Thanks to heroic efforts of organizers and staff members, the meeting was very innovative and successful.  We ran over 60 sessions smoothly and had a record-breaking number of participants.  We are also expanding our virtual events, which are organized by our newly launched Online Program Committee, which consists of talented junior investigators.  The committee has already been very active organizing Focus Sessions and programming symposia.      

Good news is we finally see some light at the end of this tunnel of the pandemic.  Let’s not lower our guard yet for some more months.  I hope to see all of you in person in the very near future.  Please stay safe and healthy until then!