Vascular Biology 2021

Online from October 25-29, 2021
Register online through October 29
Meeting Organizers:
For the Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop:
Courtney Griffin, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation with Mark Majesky, University of Washington and Kristy Red-Horse, Stanford University
For the Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop:
Christopher Breuer, Nationwide Children's Hospital and Linda Demer, University of California, Los Angeles
Co-organizers: A. Wayne Orr, LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport and Ying Zheng, University of Washington
Keynote Lecture by Mary Dickinson, Baylor College of Medicine
Plumbing the embryo: Genetic and mechanical mechanism needed for early blood flow
Guest Society: The Microcirculatory Society
MCS sponsored sessions organized by Jerome Breslin, University of South Florida
Workshop Programs and Special Sessions:
Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1R13HL158208 from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the NIH; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Vascular Biology 2021
October 25-29, 2021
Online Event
Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop VII
Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop VI
Symposia from the Microcirculatory Society (MCS)
Registration fees:
Virtual Meeting Pricing -Â
Members (NAVBO and MCS):
Regular and Emeritus Members: Early bird: $225/ After September 15: $275
Trainee/Student Members: $150/$175
All non-members: Early bird: $350/ After September 15: $425*
*includes complimentary membership in NAVBO through December 31, 2021. Join NAVBO and save on registration.
Cancellation Policy:
Since this is a virtual meeting and recordings will be available for some time after the meeting, cancellations will not be accepted.
To register by check or offline, download the registration form - Registration Form
Please register by October 22, although you can continue to register past the meeting in order to gain access to the recordings.
If you prefer to pay with a check - complete and submit a paper registration form and mail it to:
18501 Kingshill Road
Germantown, MD 20874-2211
Trainee presenters will be eligible for the following awards:
Best Talk Awards
- for trainees only (students and postdocs)
- based on presentations made
- meeting organizers will select the best presentations
- There will be up to 8 awards at $500 each for presenters of short talks with the meeting sessions
- There will also be a Best Nano-talk award
- The recipients will be announced at the start of the Benditt Award the following week (November 2 at 1:00pmET)
Outstanding ePoster Awards
- for trainees only (students and postdocs)
- based on ePoster presentation with audio narration (not the poster session)
- ePosters must include the audio narration by October 11 to be ineligible for the award
- Judges will not consider an ePoster if there is no audio narration
- There will be up to 20 awards at $250 each for ePoster presenters
- The recipients will be announced at the start of the Folkman Award on November 4 at 1:00pmET
Vascular Biology 2021
Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics Workshop VII
Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering Workshop VI
Online: October 25-29, 2021
We are no longer accepting abstracts
As you know, we have decided to make Vascular Biology a fully virtual event. It will be held October 25-29, 2021.
We are still accepting abstracts for ePoster only - those that submitted an abstract for oral presentation, their abstracts are being reviewed for inclusion in the program. Unfortunately, we will have less time for short talks in the virtual program - HOWEVER - all abstracts not presented as a talk within Vascular Biology 2021 will be considered for inclusion in a future NAVBO Focus Session (these will begin in November) Â
ePoster Templates -
You can begin to construct your poster now. Information regarding uploading your ePoster will be sent to you. Instructions for ePosters can be found here.
Download Template 1
Download Template 2
You may submit more than one abstract, however, the same abstract may not be submitted to more than one topic.
The organizers will attempt to program all submitted abstracts. NAVBO reserves the right to reject any abstract. Authors should indicate their preference for either poster, oral presentation or ePoster; however, due to the limited number of slots within oral sessions, most abstracts will be programmed for poster presentation. If you are not able to attend the meeting, your abstract will be an ePoster and you will participate in our Virtual Poster Sessions.
- Use Arial font, 10 point
- Abstract titles are limited to 200 characters (including spaces)
- Abstracts are limited to 1,750 characters (including spaces)
- DO NOT include the title, authors or author affiliations in the body of the abstract
- Enter each co-author into the database, be consistent with affiliations and include co-authors' emails, cities, states and countries
- Additional instructions available when you enter the submission site.
Topic Categories:
Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics:
Heterogeneity of the Vasculature
From Screens to Genes
Clonal Expansion of the Vasculature
Neurovascular Development
Blood Vessel and Lymphatic Malformations
Metabolic Requirements for Vascular Development
Developmental Dynamics of Adult Microvasculature (MCS session topic)
Vascular Matrix Biology and Bioengineering:
Vascular Matrix in Disease
Matrix Engineering
Patterning and Morphogenesis
Biomaterials and Vascular Therapeutics
Microfluidics (MCS session topic)
Matrix in Vascular Calcification
Systems Biology and Modeling
Vascular Therapeutics
Vascular Biology (poster presentations):
Physiological Vascular Function
Vascular Bioengineering
Vascular Cell Biology
Vascular Development
Vascular Diseases and Anomalies
Vascular Matrix Biology
Vascular Biology - Other
Go to the NAVBO Academy to see the list of ePosters (summaries are available, unless registered you will not see the ePosters)
FUJIFILM VisualSonics, Inc is the undisputed world leader in real-time, in vivo, high-resolution, micro-imaging systems, providing modalities specifically designed for preclinical research.
These cutting edge technologies allow researchers at the world’s most prestigious pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, hospitals and universities to conduct research in cardiovascular, cancer, neurobiology and developmental biology areas. These technologies support applications that include genetic research, phenotypic studies and drug development. VisualSonics platforms combine high-resolution, real-time in vivo imaging at reasonable cost with ease-of-use and quantifiable results. Visit their web site:
The Lipedema Foundation supports collaborative research that addresses the basic biology, genetics, and epidemiology of lipedema
Mission: To Define, Diagnose and Develop Treatments for Lipedema
Transparency – the Foundation strives for an open and active discussion with and amongst grantees
Collaboration – the Foundation stresses the importance of collaborative research
Community – the Foundation favors research efforts that will build and leverage a patient-researcher community
Visit their web site:
For more than 30 years, Miltenyi Biotec has played an important role in the design, development, manufacture, and integration of products that empower the advancement of biomedical research and enable cell and gene therapy. Miltenyi offers research- and clinical-grade products for sample preparation, cell separation, flow cytometry, cell culture, molecular analysis, clinical applications, and 3D fluorescence imaging. These technologies support a complete workflow by enabling the access, analysis, and utilization of primary and primary-derived cells, as well as the imaging of entire biological systems. At NAVBO 2021, Miltenyi Biotec is featuring the UltraMicroscope Blaze™, automated light sheet imaging system as well as the brand new TriMScope Matrix for multiphoton applications.
Visit their web site at
Our Exhibitors, Sponsors and Corporate Members
Applied BioPhysics
TEER 96 Well Measurement System
Cell Biologics
FujiFilm Visual Sonics, Inc.
Expect More in Cardiovascular Research