Trainee Awards
Travel Awards -
NAVBO will present Travel Awards based on the review of submitted abstracts
- You must be a trainee member of NAVBO (upload your CV with your abstract submission)
- You must submit an abstract to Vascular Biology 2025 - Follow this link to the submission form
- You must indicate on the abstract submission form that you want to be considered for a NAVBO Trainee Travel Award and complete the necessary questions including uploading your CV.
- Only students (medical, graduate and undergraduate), post doctoral fellows and the equivalent are eligible. You must still be in this position at the time of the meeting (October 19-23, 2025)
Recipients will be notified prior to the meeting and will be presented with their award certificate at the Opening Session of the meeting on October 19.
Please note - although several trainees from a single lab can submit an application, only one per lab will be awarded.
Outstanding Poster Awards -
NAVBO will present Outstanding Poster Awards based on the quality of the poster presentation
- You must be a trainee member of NAVBO (upload your CV with your abstract submission)
- Only students (medical, graduate and undergraduate), post doctoral fellows and the equivalent are eligible. You must still be in this position at the time of the meeting (October 19-23, 2025)
- You must submit an abstract to Vascular Biology 2025
- Once you are notified that your abstract will be presented as a poster, indicate that you would like to be considered for an Outstanding Poster Award by submitting your poster (a link to this submission form will be included in the email with additional instructions)
- Travel Award recipients are not eligible for Poster Awards
Each poster presenter participating in this poster competition will be interviewed by at least two judges. Judges will view posters online prior to the meeting and talk with presenters during the presenters' required hour. Awards will be based on both the appearance and content of the poster as well as the conversation with the judges. Judges will not identify themselves as judges.
Recipients will be announced on the final morning of the meeting prior to the last session on October 24.
We are no longer accepting scholarship applications for Vasculata 2024. We will begin accepting applications for scholarships for Vasculata 2025 in January 2025.
Vasculata Scholarships are available for students and postdocs attending Vasculata who may need additional funding in order to attend. Scholarships will be granted to those whose institutions do not have funding to support registration and/or travel to the meeting.
Applications will be accepted online only through the submission form below and accepted through May 1 - this deadline will be strictly adhered to - thank you.
Applications must include the following:
1) Responses to the four questions below.
- Please provide a summary of your project in layman's terms. Describe in 300 words, the disease or basic scientific question that you are investigating, the hypothesis, methods used, results and conclusions.
- Where do you, the applicant, see yourself in five years? Describe in 100 words. your professional goals and plans.
- What is the main reason that we should select you for this scholarship? Describe in 100 words, any circumstances which the committee should be informed of to make their decision.
- How will you spend the money? Describe in 100 words, how you will use the scholarship money. Be as specific as possible. Use is limited to registration, housing, and transportation (both airfare and ground transportation)
2) A letter from the applicant's supervisor/PI that
- verifies your status within the lab/department (Be specific--3rd year graduate student; post doc in lab for two years, etc.)
- confirms that there are little to no funds available for you to attend Vasculata
3.) Applicant's CV
ALL documents should be in pdf format.
Be sure you have all supporting documents on hand before completing the form. You will not be able to save and return to the form.
Submit your application for a Vasculata Scholarship
Advancing Young Voices
We would like to expose more young scientists to the field of vascular biology and bring more trainees into this collaborative community. Therefore, we are extending this offer of free membership to students who may be a financial disadvantage and would benefit from this opportunity.
In order to be considered for this offer, please complete this online form. You will need to upload your CV (or resume) and a letter from your supervisor a.) confirming your status as a student and b.) verifying that your institution does not have the funds to support society membership. Only students (graduate, medical and undergraduates) can apply. This program does not include postdocs.
From time to time, NAVBO provides Travel Awards to our Trainee members to attend other meetings including certain Gordon Research Conferences, the Gulf Coast Vascular Research Consortium and others. When awards are available, information will be included here and in the NAVBO NewsBEAT.
NAVBO Sponsored Trainee Travel Awards to Vascular Biology Gordon Research Conferences
NAVBO has allocated funds to provide travel awards for trainees (graduate student, post-doctoral fellows) to attend a Gordon Research Conference.
We are supporting one trainee travel award to each of the following GRC:
Atherosclerosis - Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Translation (June 22-27, 2025 in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain) For information about this meeting, visit the web site ( Application due May 25, 2025
Angiogenesis and Social Interactions with Neighboring Cells and Tissues in Health and Disease (July 27-August 1, 2025 in Newport, RI) For information about this meeting, visit the web site ( Application due June 29, 2025
- Applicant must submit/have submitted an abstract to the eligible GRC*
- Applicant and the applicant's PI (i.e., senior/corresponding author on the abstract) must be current NAVBO members in good standing (membership dues paid through June 30, 2024 or later).
- Submit an application directly to NAVBO (follow this link to the form) to include:
- verification that you are attending this meeting
- name and email of your PI (who must be the senior author on the abstract)
- letter from your PI/supervisor attesting to your work on the research described in the abstract and your current status
- copy of the abstract submitted to the GRC (pdf). Please note, this does not replace your abstract submission to the GRC.
- The award recipients will be chosen by the chairs of the GRC Conference
*Eligible GRCs are those whose chairs/organizers are NAVBO members who apply for support of trainee travel awards to the NAVBO Council.