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Wall Center at Stanford







Vasculata 2024

Novel insights in Vascular Biology – from Bench to Bedside

Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
July 22-25, 2024


Joyce Teng, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics
Edda Spiekerkoetter, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Joseph Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Radiology

Preliminary Program

Monday, July 22: Basic Vascular Biology and Recent Innovations
8:30amOpening remarks
Edda Spiekerkoetter, Stanford University
8:45 – 9:30amSpecial Lecture: Single cell dissection of vascular biology and disease
Mark Krasnow, Stanford University
9:30 -10:00amThe cellular heterogeneity of a blood vessel (endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, pericytes, fibroblasts)
Ke Yuan, Boston Children’s Hospital
10:00-10:30amVascular development in vivo and using the knowledge to differentiate hPSCs into artery and vein ECs in vitro
Lay Teng Ang, Stanford University
10:30 -10:45amNetworking Break 
10:45 – 11:45amPoster Session 1
11:45am – 12:30pmSpecial Lecture: Spatial transcriptomics
Michael Snyder, Stanford University
1:30- 5:00pmWorkshops (each workshop will be held 1:30, 2:30 and 4:00pm - additional fee, preregistration required)
 scRNA sequencing, nuclear sequencing – platforms, interpretation, validation
Leaders: Amy Tian, Stanford University and Shady Younis, Stanford University
 Multiplex spatial techniques
Leader: Adam Andruska, Stanford University
 2D versus 3D imaging [in collaboration with Leica (confocal microscopy) and Imaris (imaging software)]
Leader: Helena Turton, Stanford University
5:00-5:30pmOrgan-specific contexts of liver vascular lesions and disorders: a pathologist’s perspective
Serena Tan, Stanford University

Career Development
Decoding Career Paths: What makes becoming an academic PI appealing in 2024?
Leaders: Mingxia Gu, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Ke Yuan, Boston Children’s Hospital
Panelists: Kyle Loh and Vinicio de Jesus Perez, Stanford University

Tuesday, July 23: Vascular Diseases and Disease Models
8:30 – 9:15amSpecial Lecture: Coronary artery development: health – disease
Kristy Red-Horse, Stanford University
9:15 – 10:00amLineage labeling/3D imaging to understand neointima formation in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Maya Kumar, Stanford University
10:00 – 10:45amSelected presentations from participants
10:45 – 11:45amPoster Session 2
11:45 – 12:30pmCharacterizing genetic variation across single cells with sensitivity and accuracy to study clonal evolution for cancer and potentially vascular disorders.  Localization of somatic genetic mutations
Charles Gawad, Stanford University
1:30-2:00pmCareer Development
Roadmap for a successful Physician Scientist Career
Mark Nicolls, Stanford University
2:00-3:00pmCareer Development
Grant Writing Workshop - Writing Crystal Clear Specific Aims (limited seating; preregistration required)
Crystal Botham, Stanford University
3:00-3:30pmNetworking Break 
3:30-4:00pmAVM: Molecular programming of arterial-venous specification, combining mouse genetics and cutting-edge two-photon live imaging
Rong Wang, University of California, San Francisco
4:00-4:30pmDrug repurposing for complex non-cerebral vascular malformations using a personalized approach
Joyce Teng, Stanford University
Wednesday, July 24: From biology to therapy
8:30 – 9:15amSpecial Lecture: Using iPSCs for drug prediction and in vitro model: disease on a chip
Joseph Wu, Stanford University
9:15 – 10:00amExploiting human iPSC derived endothelial cells to study BSL4 viruses — the deadliest viruses on Earth
Kyle Loh, Stanford University
10:00 – 10:45amSelected presentations from participants
10:45 – 11:45amPoster Session 3
11:45 – 12:30pmPre-clinical disease modeling using vascularized organoids
Mingxia Gu, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
1:30-2:00pmEndovascular Interventions Driving Reverse Translation
Avnesh Thakor, Stanford University
2:00-2:30pmThe biology of inflammation in lymphatic disease and its implication for future pharmacological therapeutics
Stanley Rockson, Stanford University
2:30-3:00pmRepurposing drugs as a fast-track from bench to bedside
Steven Corsello, Stanford University
3:00-3:30pmNetworking Break 
3:30-4:00pmCareer Development
Women in Science: “I don’t do politics” is not an option
Daryl Oaks, Stanford University
4:00-4:30pmStudying endothelial-pericyte interactions in the lung and the heart: Implications to PAH
Vinicio de Jesus Perez, Stanford University
4:30-5:00pmPlatform technologies for sorting and monitoring cells at the single-cell resolution. High-throughput drug screening
Gozde Durmus, Stanford University
5:00-5:30pmThe translation of basic science breakthroughs in 3D printing to enable new tenets of entrepreneurship
Joseph DeSimone, Stanford University
Thursday, July 25: Turning promising research ideas into clinical applications
8:30 – 9:15amSpecial Lecture: From integrating pathways to developing novel therapies in pulmonary hypertension
Marlene Rabinovitch, Stanford University
9:15 – 9:45amDeveloping gene therapy strategies to reduce brain arteriovenous malformation severity
Hua Su, University of California, San Francisco
9:45 – 10:00amNetworking Break 
10:00 – 10:30amThe investigator initiated clinical trial: How to get there. Basic science - patent - to clinical trial
Edda Spiekerkoetter, Stanford University
10:30 – 11:00amOpportunities and Challenges of increasing DEI in Basic and Translational Science
David Gordon, University of Michigan
11:00-11:30amCareer Development
Mentorship and Sponsorship. You need both to succeed in your academic career
Edda Spiekerkoetter, Stanford University
11:30-12:00pmClosing remarks

Registration for Vasculata 2024 is open.

Early Bird Registration Rates
(early bird ends on May 31)

Trainee (students and postdocs) members of NAVBO:  $165USD ($215 after May 31)

Non-member trainees: $245USD ($295USD after May 31)

All undergraduate students: $75USD ($100USD after May 31)

NAVBO Regular Members:  $425USD ($475USD after May 31)

Non-members who are faculty, PIs, etc.:   $525USD ($575USD after May 31)

There will be a $25 fee for workshops and wet labs.  Panel discussions on career development are free.

Consider joining NAVBO to save on your registration plus receive other benefits as well -

Special notice for students - if you identify with an underrepresented group in science (Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic, Indigenous Peoples of America/Native American, including Native Hawaiian and Alaskan, and LGBTQ+) join NAVBO for free through our Advancing Young Voices through Diversity and Inclusion Program.  Complete the membership application here:


Cancellations must be in writing.  
Cancellations received by June 17 will receive a refund less $50 processing fees.  No refunds after June 17.  

Abstracts are due May 15 by 5:00pmEDT

The submission site is open.

When preparing your abstract:

  • Abstract Size and Limitations: Titles of abstracts are limited to 250 characters; the abstract text is limited to 2,000 characters (this number includes spaces and punctuation).
  • Format: Do not include authors’ names and affiliations within the abstract body. The name of your company or institution will appear as it does in the entry you create for authors.  Remember to add yourself as an author.
  • Enter institution names exactly the same for all authors from a single institution.
  • Enter complete information for all co-authors including their email addresses.
  • Do not include references, credits or grant support in your abstract; however, these should be acknowledged within your poster.
  • Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors, but you can preview your abstract within the site for accuracy.
  • The presenter is responsible for expenses associated with the presentation of an abstract and attendance at the meeting (if you need financial assistance, apply for a scholarship).
  • Incomplete abstracts will be deleted on May 31, 2024.
  • All abstracts will be presented as Posters.

Topics for poster presentations are:

Cardiovascular Disease
Cell Biology
Organ Specific
Vascular Biology – Other

Submit your abstract

A number of scholarships will be available based on need.  Full scholarships will be valued at $1,000 and some partial scholarships may be available as well.

The deadline for applications is May 15.

Applications will be accepted online only through May 15.

Applications must include the following:

1) Responses to the four questions below.

  • Please provide a summary of your project in layman's terms. Describe in 300 words, the disease or basic scientific question that you are investigating, the hypothesis, methods used, results and conclusions.
  • Where do you, the applicant, see yourself in five years?  Describe in 100 words. your professional goals and plans.
  • What is the main reason that we should select you for this scholarship? Describe in 100 words, any circumstances which the committee should be informed of to make their decision. 
  • How will you spend the money? Describe in 100 words, how you will use the scholarship money.  Be as specific as possible.

2) A letter from the applicant's supervisor/PI that

  • verifies your status within the lab/department (Be specific--3rd year graduate student; post doc in lab for two years, etc.)
  • confirms that there are little to no funds available for your trainee to attend Vasculata

3.) Applicant's CV

ALL documents should be in pdf format.

Be sure you have all supporting documents on hand when completing this form.    You will not be able to save and return to the form.

All workshops will be held on Monday afternoon. The workshops are technical presentations given by experts using the various techniques and providing the attendees with valuable practical instruction.   

Each workshop is one hour in duration.  Due to the limited space, preregistration of $25 per workshop will be added to your registration fee.

scRNA sequencing, nuclear sequencing – platforms, interpretation, validation 
Leaders: Amy Tian, Stanford University and Shady Younis, Stanford University

This workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to the computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data, including current scRNA-seq technologies and best practices for analyzing gene expression at the single-cell level. The focus will be on practical applications and interpretation of scRNA-seq data. By the end of this workshop, students will have a solid understanding of the computational tools and techniques used in scRNA-seq, enabling them to critically assess and apply these technologies in their future careers.

Multiplex spatial techniques
Leader: Adam Andruska, Stanford University

This presentation will review different techniques for multiplex spatial localization of mRNA and protein in tissue, including multiplex antibody-based imaging, single molecule RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), hybridization chain reaction (HCR) FISH, proximity ligation techniques, merFISH, and potentially dissection-based methods, and sequencing based methods. There will be an additional effort to cover some practical topics with regard to tissue preparation, imaging, and data processing.

2D versus 3D imaging [in collaboration with Leica (confocal microscopy) and Imaris (imaging software)]
Leader: Helena Turton, Stanford University

The session will provide an introduction to 3D-deep tissue imaging in vascular biology, delivered in the form of a 30-40 minute lecture with a short Q & A session. This session aims to explain the principles and the practical workflow of 3D-deep tissue imaging. There will be a heavy focus on protocol explanation, highlighting the specialist technical requirements of tissue clearing, confocal microscopy by Leica, and Imaris Software to render 3D projections, visualize, and analyze images.

Each workshop will be held from 1:30-2:30pm, 2:30-3:30pm and 4:00-5:00pm.

On Tuesday, we will hold a Grant Writing Workshop, which although free, requires pre-registration due to limited seating.

Vasculata 2024 is taking place at

Paul Brest Hall (Munger Section of Campus)
555 Salvatierra Walk, Stanford, CA 94305

Stanford Location and Parking Map: Munger is at J/9-10 coordinates on this map
Download the information sheet for ParkMobile - the service Stanford uses for visitor parking.

Things to do at Stanford:

Stanford Marguerite (free campus shuttle service—no ID required):

Housing (Lodging)

The Munger Graduate Residence Halls are in very close proximity to the Paul Brest Hall and campus dining.  
Three meals a day are included with your stay - dinner on day of arrival (July 21) through lunch on last day (July 25).  

Purchase your four nights of lodging for $1,295USD within the registration process.  Partial stays are not available.  Consider that in addition to the food, the cost includes a private air conditioned room with private bathroom and is in walking distance of the meeting venue.  Hotels in the bay area may cost $450 per night.   

Here are links to lists of local restaurants and diners, and tourist sites to help you make the most of your trip to Stanford!

Explore the Stanford campus in person and online with virtual experiences and self-guided tours -

Stanford Community Favorite Places -

Off Campus Activities: See these places of interest and things to do off campus in the surrounding areas of Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Mountain View -

Restaurants near Stanford University -

Support Vasculata 2024!
Contact Bernadette Englert

Vasculata will be at the University of Pittsburgh in the Summer of 2025
Spread the word!

Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1R13HL164033 from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.