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Vascular Biology 2025

Annual Meeting of NAVBO and the Microcirculatory Society
October 19-23, 2025
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Keynote Lecture by Donald Ingber, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University


Vascular Biology 2025 – Preliminary Program 

Day 1 – Sunday, October 19 
2:00-6:00pm Pre-conference Meeting for Trainees (featured speaker, and program to be determined)

Organizers: Yu Jung Shin, University of Washington and Xiaochen Fan, Stanford University

7:15-9:30pm Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology Presentation and Lecture - TBD
Earl P. Benditt Award Presentation and Lecture - TBD
9:30-10:30pm Welcome Reception
Day 2 – Monday, October 20 
7:00-8:00am Group BreakfastNetworking 101
8:00-10:00am Regenerative Medicine and Cardiovascular

Integrative in vitro models to study vascular growth, injury, and remodeling
Ying Zheng, University of Washington
Delivery of a novel angiogenic cocktail in a customized hydrogel biomaterial improves revascularization and wound healing
Kareen Coulombe, Brown University
Microvascular Dysfunction in Shock 

Inflammatory cell-derived extracellular vesicles in regulating
vascular permeability during sepsis
Sarah Yuan, University of South Florida
Microvascular heterogeneity in endothelial cell responses in sepsis
Audrey Cleuren, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Vascular Remodeling in the Uterus and Placenta
Impact of the regulation of uteroplacental perfusion on fetal growth, novel animal models and human studies
Ramon Lorca, University of Colorado
Mechanisms of placental & uterine vascular growth
Mark Kahn, University of Pennsylvania
Inflammation in Small Vessels
Regulation of microvascular permeability
Lena Claesson-Welsh, Uppsala University
Tracking neutrophil infiltration into the ischemic brain reveals new targets for treating stroke
David Sullivan, Northwestern University
12:00-1:45pm Lunch and Learn for TraineesLunch for all others
1:45-3:45pm Plenary Session: Mechanosensing and Mechanotransduction in the Vasculature
Flow-mediated endothelial cell signaling and vascular inflammation
Julia Mack, University of California, Los Angeles
Flow-induced reprogramming of endothelial cells in atherogenesis
Hanjoong Jo, Emory University
4:00-5:00pm Nano-talks
5:00-7:00pm Dinner on your own
7:00-10:00pm Poster Sessions
Day 3 – Tuesday, October 21 
7:00-8:00am Group BreakfastCareer Development Forum Breakfast
8:00-10:00am Vascular Extracellular Matrix Bioengineering 
Engineering human blood vessels for modeling and therapeutics
Sharon Gerecht, Duke University
Matrix-mediated regeneration of vasa vasorum as a treatment for aortic aneurysm
Julie Phillippi, University of Pittsburgh
Sex divergent mechanisms of cerebral microvascular dysfunction in 5x-FAD mice
Paulo Pires, University of Arizona
Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase:  An old enzyme with a new role in cerebrovascular homeostasis
Candice Brown, Indiana University School of Medicine
10:30am-12:30pm Advanced Molecular Mechanisms in Vascular Matrix Remodeling 

Systems approach to cardiovascular calcification
Elena Aikawa, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Mineralization in the matrix
Cynthia St. Hilaire, University of Pittsburgh

Epigenetic and Post-Transcriptional Control of the

Epigenetic mechanisms in cerebrovascular injury
Kahlilia Morris-Blanco, University of Pennsylvania
Dynamic epigenetic signatures during vascular development: A path to predict disease severity in rare syndromes
Angie Serrano, Boston University
12:30-1:30pm Topical Panel Discussion with lunchGroup Lunch
1:30-3:30pm MCS President’s Symposium: Topic to be determined
Speakers to be determined
3:30-4:15pm MCS Landis Award Lecture
Recipient to be determined
4:30-5:30pm Emerging Topics in Microcirculation
Presentations are chosen from abstracts
Blood Vascular Development
 Higd1b is a unique and conserved gene marker for pericytes
Ke Yuan, Boston Children’s Hospital
How do endothelial cells make adaptive decisions?
Katie Bentley, Francis Crick Institute 
5:30-7:00pm Dinner on your own
7:00-10:00pm Poster Sessions
Day 4 – Wednesday, October 22 
7:00-8:00 Group BreakfastCareer Development Forum Breakfast
8:00-10:00am Lymphatic Vascular Development
Chemokine signaling as a guiding cue regulating lymphatic development
Xiaolei Liu, Temple University
Mechanisms of lymphatic vessel and valve morphogenesis
Joshua Scallan, University of South Florida
Innovations in Vascular Tissue Engineering
Bioengineered perfused human brain microvasculature to model brain tumor and neurodegenerative diseases
Guohao Dai, Northeastern University
Delineating the role of vasculatrue in beta cell development and cell therapies for type 1 diabetes
Yasaman Aghazadeh, University of Montreal
Health Disparities and the Microcirculation

Fission/fusion modulators of age-related coronary microvascular function
Amanda Jo Leblanc, University of Louisville

The role of pluripotency and innate immunity in sex differences in endothelial cells
Olga Cherepanova, Cleveland Clinic

Metabolism and Vascular Dysfunction 

Immune metabolism in vascular inflammation and salt-sensitive hypertension
Annet Kirabo, Vanderbilt University  

Cardiovascular complications of COVID-19
Chiara Giannarelli, New York University

12:30-2:00pm Topical Panel Discussion with lunchGroup Lunch
2:00-3:00pmKeynote Lecture

Donald Ingber, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University

3:00-4:00pm NAVBO – Award Lectures and Presentations (recipients to be determined)
Presentation of the Stephen Schwartz Award
Presentation of the Florence Sabin Award
Springer Award Presentation and Lecture
4:15-5:15pm Technology Workshop
5:00-7:00pm Dinner on your own
7:00-10:00pm Posters Sessions
Day 5 – Thursday, October 23 
8:00-8:15am Presentation of the Poster Awards
8:15-10:15pm Plenary Session: Genetics in Vascular Inflammation 

Title of talk to be determined
Catherine Tcheandjieu, Gladstone Institute

Gut microbiota-immune interactions modulating vascular inflammation in mice
Magali Noval Rivas, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

10:45am-12:45pm Plenary Session: Genetic Drivers of Vascular Malformations

Pathogenic variants that activate RAS-MAPK signaling drive lymphatic anomalies
Sarah Sheppard, National Institutes of Health

Drug development for arteriovenous malformation
Arin Greene, Boston Children’s Hospital

12:45-1:00pm Closing Remarks
Support the Meeting
Abstract Submission
Travel Awards
Visa Info
Childcare Grants

Vascular Biology 2025 starts in:
