More Resources
NAVBO encourages you to advocate for science and research. On this page, we will keep you informed of critical actions being taken that will impact the scientific community and actions you can take. Through our membership with Research!America and other advocay sources, we hope to bring you up to date information.
Contacting Your Representatives Can Make a Difference for Science
If you are a U.S. citizen, let your U.S. representatives hear from you and encourage them to be advocating for science. There are many methods by which to reach out - from attending meetings or personal visits to congressional offices, to doing something as simple as writing a postcard. Be sure to reach out to your district and state representatives. Now, in addition to funding the NIH budget and other federal biomedical research budgets, scientists must clearly express how other policies impact scientific collaboration, a key component in the scientific process.
A report from United for Medical Research recently released a report on the impact of the NIH on US economy. Download the report.
Here are links to organizations that encourage, support and aid science advocates:
Coalition for the Life Sciences
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
If you are aware of other groups, please let us know and we will post them here (send to
Cardiovascular Pathology
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Vascular Cell
Vessel Plus
American Chemistry Society
American College of Cardiology
The American Heart Association
The American Association of Immunologists
American Physiological Society
American Society for Investigative Pathology
American Society for Cell Biology
Asia Pacific Vascular Biology Organization
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Home Page
Australasian Society of Haemostasis and Thrombosis
Australian Vascular Biology Society
British Microcirculatory Society Web Page
Cambridge Healthtech Institute Home Page
Canadian Society of Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Chemistry Abstracts Service
European Molecular Biology Organization
European Society for Vascular Surgery
European Vascular Biology Organization
French Society of Angiogenesis
Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB)
Gordon Research Conferences
Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization
Keystone Symposia
The Microcirculatory Society
Society for Free Radical Research International
Society for Vascular Medicine
South Asian Society on Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis
The Physiological Society
The World Health Organization
The Centers for Disease Control
The Environmental Protection Agency
The National Institutes of Health Home page
The National Science Foundation Home Page
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene Bank
The National Library of Medicine
Uniformed Services University - Department of Pathology
Brigham & Women's Hospital - Vascular Research Division
Cardiology Compass
Hahnemann University HomePage
The CYTOKINE Home Page
Texas A &M University - Department of Medical Physiology
Department of Radiology at the University of Iowa
The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
University of Alberta, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
University of Calgary - Cumming School of Medicine
University of Kansas Medical Center - Genetics
University of Michigan - Vascular Surgery
University of Minnesota, Biomedical Engineering Center
University of Minnesota, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
University of Virginia - Cardiovascular Research Center
University of Washington - Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington - Department of Pathology
University of Washington - Institute of Translational Health Sciences
UWEB (University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials)
University of Illinois - Urbana Atlas of Pathology - Internet Pathology Slides
WEBPATH Internet Pathology Library - The University of Utah
World Wide Web Server for Virology - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Yale University - Vascular Surgery
Joy Cappel Scholarship - intended to foster young investigators in their scientific training (high school seniors, undergrad and graduate students)